What Would Happen If World War 3 Began?

What Would Happen If World War 3 Began

In the past, there have been many fights and wars, but if a third world war breaks out, then it might be the biggest conflict in human history. Because this war will occur based on advanced technology and a more intensive strategy, for many years, the idea of a third world war has been discussed. However, during the Cold War between the United States and Russia in 1960, we were able to prevent it. In this blog, you will learn what would happen if World War 3 started.

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The Reason for World War 3

Russia and Europe are located on Ukraine’s eastern and western borders, respectively. When World War II (1939–1945) ends, the globe is split into two parts, i.e., the Soviet Union and America. Before 1991, Ukraine was a portion of the Soviet Union.

On December 25, 1991, the Soviet Union disintegrated into 15 different countries: Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan; Lithuania, Moldova, and Russia.

In 1991, Ukraine formally declared its independence. When Ukraine was divided, the conflict between the two countries began.

Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, has been severely traumatized by his country’s loss of influence and authority after the Soviet Union’s dissolution in 1991.

Ukraine has encountered a number of significant obstacles. The first difficulty is the difference in ideologies between the Eastern and Western Ukrainian populations.

The second issue is the political and linguistic divide between the East and West regions. The third difficulty is separatism.

The fire of rebellion was also there in Ukraine, and Russia was adding fuel to the fire. The entire situation resulted in war between two countries.

The conflict between the two countries increased when Viktor Yanukovich (a pro-Russian president) was removed from Ukraine in 2013.

After this, Russia gives support to the Ukrainian separatists. As a result, the conflict between the Ukrainian army and the separatists is still going on today.

Separatists with Russian support control many regions of eastern Ukraine. Russia has recognized Donetsk and Luhansk as independent nations, but Putin recently commanded military action in this region. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine still continues.

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Ukraine’s Pledge to Join NATO

Ukraine's Pledge to Join NATO

Before the Russia-Ukraine war started, US President Joe Biden warned that Russia may attack Ukraine at any time. This suspicion about the US president turned out to be accurate. Ukraine paid a high price for its US pledge to join NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization), which was founded on April 4th, 1949, and has its headquarters in Belgium.

NATO is funded by the US, and it now has 30 member nations. Volodymyr Zelensky becomes the president of Ukraine in the 2019 elections. He pledged to put the Donbas back in its former position, and when he came to power, he stepped up his efforts to join NATO.

Ukraine-Russia War

International politics is the reason for the conflict between the two nations. Similar cultures, civilizations, and languages are at war with each other.

Nations that were once allies are now at world war 3 with one another. This shows that every country should maintain a balance because competition is always present when we are connected.

Nature does not like competition from others, but it inspires us to connect with ourselves. The real competition is connecting with the self.

This means successful nations automatically compete in their struggles against unemployment, healthcare, inflation, food, and education.

Giving the unemployed a job is the real solution to unemployment. Altogether, a competitive country derives its competitiveness from within.

A nation cannot fully develop even though it can compete with other nations and exert control over them. War always results in devastation.

Anger results in world war 3, and peace results in friendship. India is known as a peaceful country because it consistently maintains cordial relations with its neighbours.

The US’s dual character is reflected when it supports the protestors in Ukraine who were against Russia and its war predictions before the Russo-Ukrainian conflict.

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The conflict between Ukraine and Russia gives a lesson to other countries: do not allow other countries to interfere in your country’s internal affairs. For a world with a sustainable future, all nations should cooperate.

Therefore, the conflict between Ukraine and Russia appears to be the start of world war 3. This nuclear war will affect the whole world; not only Russia and Ukraine will suffer. The consequences of this world war 3 would be disastrous for all of mankind.

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